Course Information

CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is how web pages are styled for view in web browsers.

You learn just how that works in this course with the basics of CSS. In the process you will apply to basic web pages and across multiple web pages typical of a web site that can be published on the internet.

You need a good understanding of HTML, an acronym for HyperText Markup Language, to succeed in this course.

Course Setup Instructions

You will need a folder on your computer for the course files.

Create a folder named css-skills-builder-course 1 on your computer.

Throughout the course this will be called the course project folder.

Each section of the course provides any additional setup instructions and downloads.

1. Course project folder name is a recommentation. You can choose a different course project folder name if you wish.

Change log. Last update 04/27/2017.

  • 04/27/2017 - The Absolute Positioning lesson added to the How CSS Controls Layout section.
  • 04/22/2017 - The Changing Static Layout with Positioning Properties, Static Positioning and Relative Positioning lessons added to the How CSS Controls Layout section.
  • 04/17/2017 - The How the box-sizing Property Impacts Content Area Width lesson added to the Opening the CSS Box Model section.
  • 04/16/2017 - How CSS Controls Layout section lessons: Understanding Static Flow Layout and Changing Static Layout with float Property.
  • 04/09/2017 - Opening the CSS Box Model section released.
  • 04/07/2017 - Making CSS Properties Browser Friendly section released.
  • 04/02/2017 - CSS3 Web Fonts section released.
  • 03/31/2017 - How CSS Handles Fonts section released.
  • 03/26/2017 - Initial beta release.

Road Map. Last update 06/22/2017.

The following items are planned or are in progress.

  • 3rd Quarter 2017 - Mobile. Media Queries

Complete and Continue